There is a lot of guidance for people about the what to do and not to do around this time in order to avoid getting fired but far less about how individuals can channel the goodwill and positive energy typically associated with this time of year.
Below are some simple ideas to promote some joy in the workplace where time and commitment are really the only costs:
This could be strength, something that they do without thinking about or the way that they do something. This works really well when it is something that is something that distinguishes them from others.
this best done face to face but if that is impractical make sure you personalise the message and be very specific about how each person has helped you.
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(Providing it doesn’t present a conflict of interest!) find out any ways you can help them achieve that- an introduction to someone who could help, some coaching or mentoring or where permitted by granting time to start or complete something.
The key phrase is that they have been wanting to learn. This isn’t about task dumping or something that suits you.
Along with the joy of this time of year comes the considerable stress of things to organise and pay for. This option is not the same as finishing up early along with every other employee which devalues the significance for that individual.
What things do you practice at work at this time of year to channel the season’s positive energy?