Why a Start Up?

Cameron Shepherd
September 24, 2021

Why a Start Up?

I believe that the most significant contract that you will ever sign is the contract that you sign with yourself. The contract that you sign with yourself contains the promises you make, the goals that you write down and commitments to action that you identify as being the steps to a life of fulfilment and success.

The two driving factors that led to the creation of Shape HR both relate to this contract. Firstly, opening my own business has always been on my bucket list and I am excited to finally get to experience the freedom, challenges, thrills, spills and agility of having some “skin in the game”. The exact same feelings that my clients often describe.

Secondly, it is my mission to help my clients fulfil the contracts that they have with themselves e.g. to grow, to improve, to stabilise, to manage risks and to build their business capability which, if they are honest, all too often fall down the order of priorities to make way for other everyday pressures.

No matter what stage a business is at, it is a valuable exercise for company owners and directors to review the contracts that they have with themselves and ask questions like, “What was the last thing I promised myself?” “When was the last time I executed a task that brought me closer to fulfilling my contract?” “How do I ensure that I am making progress against the promises I have made myself?”

Studies have shown that merely sharing your goals with somebody else increases the likelihood of it becoming a reality and if that someone is a person with the expertise, tools and passion to help, then I’m sure you can work out what happens to the odds.

So, if you are a business owner, director or manager and believe it is time to review any part of the contract that you have drawn up with yourself, I would love to hear from you. For all those reading with start up businesses, what was the reason why you made the move?

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